"The Old Ways are lost" you sang, as you flew...and I wondered why.
This line makes me so sad. The song starts out sounding like it's about star-crossed lovers, maybe one of the Shining Ones and a human maiden. But with this line, it changes...it isn't our lover leaving, it is our Goddess. We search for her...things around us have changed and we can't control them, they're slipping from our grasp and we're not quite sure what's happening and no matter how hard we try to hang on, we can't. The new ways have come and the old are forgotten. We mourn what was. We remember... dancing by the Beltaine fires, loving in the woods, living free...we remember the crashing waves like a heartbeat. And when we remember, we slowly begin to feel that heartbeat again...to hear the ritual drums calling us to dance and our bones remember.
Perhaps this is a needed reminder that She never left us...She has simply stepped back and waits for us to remember...to come home to Her and to remember Her into our new ways. To hear that heartbeat in the wave and remember the drums. To remember who We are.
That, then, is the struggle, isn't it? Remembering the Old ways and honouring them in the New, striking that delicate balance. How does one engage the wildness inside while still paying the bills and making sure the kids get fed? How do I give the wildness in me a voice while not having my boss look at me like Im nuts?