Friday, January 1, 2016

Webinox 2015

It's that time of the year again. Another Webinox has come and now passed, and we've been given this beautiful tabula rasa on which to paint our days. Schmoop and I spent a peaceful day together. Just being together, enjoying each other, being a couple and spending some time alone. Our home is so busy and time moves so quickly. We spent the night up in the foothills at a sweet B&B that was so incredibly quiet. There were no kids, no tappytappy pets needing attention, no fingers on keyboards, no fishtank burbling just........quiet. So quiet we found ourselves almost whispering most of the time.

I found myself reflecting that, for as much as it seems like each day is a struggle, that finances are tight, that work schedules are long and frustrating, in many ways we have so much, Our home is small, but we found space not only to adopt our Petunia this year, but also to bring Ron's bonus son to live with us while he works toward making his life better. We have a roof over our heads and warmth and dinners together at the table. We laugh, we have friends, and we love. And when it comes right down to it, what more is there really?

My hope for all of us, for this shiny new year, is that we continue to have this abundance. That our homes stretch to fit more love, that our hearts stretch to fit more hope, and that our hands stretch to reach someone else's.

I love you. Thanks for being in the world.

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